Thursday, November 3, 2011

Top 10 Most Outrageous Resume Mistakes

There is certainly nothing wrong with trying to make your resume stand out from the rest.  After all, hiring managers are receiving more resumes than ever these days.  But some applicants go a little too far to get their resume noticed.  Here are 10 of the most bizarre resume mistakes ever recorded:

1.    Applicant wrote that the more he was paid, the harder he worked
2.    Applicant admitted that he had been fired from former positions, but still included those managers as references
3.    Applicant listed her dog as a reference
4.    A husband and wife hoping to job share submitted a co-written poem
5.    Applicant included “versatile toes” as an asset
6.    Applicant only offered first name
7.    Applicant’s email address included the phrase, “shakinmybootie”
8.    Applicant insisted that he be paid for the time he spent interviewing at the company
9.    Applicant sent the hiring manager her resume and a lemon, as well as a note that stated, “I am not a lemon.”
10.  Applicant indicated on his resume that he had been arrested for assaulting his former supervisor.

So the next time you need to revise your resume, make sure the information you include on your resume does not distract from your relevant work experience or other important factors.  Remember that every effort to get noticed is not always appreciated!